Birth & Death

  • About Birth and Death Registration:-

The birth certificate is the most important identity document for an individual who is most useful to proof the date as well as the place of birth . On the other hand , a death certificate is a document issued by the Government to the nearest relative of the deceased , stating the date , fact and cause of death . In both cases ( Birth and Death ) the process of  Registration is done by the Naihati Municipality.

  • Apply for Birth/Death Registration in between 21 Days:

In case , happening  within  21 days the  birth and death certificates are issued from the  Naihati Municipality .After  expiry of  21  days , registration of birth and death  cases is complete after obtaining order form SDO/Executive  Magistrate .Applicant must submit enough documents in support of their claim before the Executive Magistrate for getting required order.

  • Necessary Documents (In case of Birth/ In case of Death) :-

In case of birth –
1 .  Discharge certificate of hospital ,Nursing Home , Dr. certificate in case of  Home delivery.
2 . Immunization or health card  of a child .
3 .  Epic and Ration card of parents.
4.  Documents like land deeds to prove residence of parents during period  of birth .
5.  All other declaration from municipalities as supporting  evidence.
In case of Death-
1 .  Death certificate of a registered doctor .
2 .  Certificate issued by Burning  Ghat .
3 .  Municipality`s declaration regarding occurrence of death and cremation are also taken into account .
4 .  In case of unnatural  death post mortem report must also be submitted .
5 .  Ration card Epic  card surrender slip.

  • Contact Person:-

Mr. Subhojit Biswas ( S.I.)

  • Contact No.:-

Land Line – 033-2581 2098

  • Steps to follow in case of for various application periods
Sl.No In Case of Birth & Death Follow the Step
1. Within 30 days in the house  
  • Collect Form From the Cash Section .
  • One application with complete  details and also bring a recommendation certificate by ward  commissioner . 
  • Xerox of PAN card or Ration Card.
  • If the ration card or PAN card is not available , then a residential certificate must be obtained from the ward  commissioner.
  • Bring Xerox of Polio Card of your Infant.
2. In Between 30 days and one year
  • One application with affidavit .
3. After one year
  • As per SDO `s order .
4. In case of Hospital / Nursing Home 
  • Discharge Certificate.